5 Oceans Fund

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Annualised Returns Since Inception


As at 28 February 2025

Recommended Timeframe



Risk Indicator


Risk scale
Lower Risk
Higher Risk

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Monthly Factsheet

28 February 2025


About the 5 Oceans Fund

The Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund is a globally-diversified fund that provides a moderate exposure to growth assets.

The Fund invests in a mix of directly owned assets, other Castle Point funds and selected third-party funds.

The Fund is designed to generate returns, with the objective of outperforming the NZ OCR +3% over the medium term (after fees but before tax), with some risk mitigation tools to smoothen the ride.

The Fund is constructed to have a much lower risk profile than our Ranger and Trans-Tasman Funds, as well as having the option for investors to receive a monthly cash distribution.

The fund invests in a mix of:

  • Directly owned assets
  • Other funds we manage, such as the Ranger Fund
  • Third-party funds

When investing with third-party funds, we carefully select managers by understanding their philosophies, strategies and approaches, and how well they align with the objectives for the fund.

Read all about the strategy...

Performance Overview

Returns as at 28 February 2025 (after fees before tax)

5 Oceans Fund

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year

3 years (p.a)

5 years (p.a)

Since inception (p.a)

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year

3 years (p.a)

5 years (p.a)

Since inception (p.a)

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year

3 years (p.a)

5 years (p.a)

Since inception (p.a)

Recommended Investment Timeframe

Minimum 3 years


NZ Official Cash Rate + 3%

Minimum Initial Investment


Minimum Additional Investment



0.42c per month per unit

Buy / Sell Spread

0.32% / 0.32% of each investment / redemption. Variable spread applies that will net buys and sells on the same day

Entry / Exit Fees


Management Fee

1.05% per annum which covers our management fee, the management fees of the underlying funds and normal operating expenses of the fund

Performance Fee

Some underlying funds may charge performance-based fees

Fund Type

NZ Managed Investment Scheme (MIS). The fund is a Portfolio Investment Entity (“PIE”)


Public Trust


PwC New Zealand

Administrator and Custodian

Apex Investment Administration (NZ) Ltd

Establishment Date

21st September 2016

Our Recognitions

Investment Strategy

The fund aims to generate smoothed returns by using the following tools:

  • Diversification
  • Flexible strategies
  • Insurance strategies for market downturns


Diversification is spreading risk. The fund diversifies both:

  1. Across growth and defensive assets; and
  2. Across countries

Growth assets are investments which have greater long-term upside, but with that upside can come a bumpier road (known as volatility). Shares, for example, can go up a lot, but they can also bounce around on the journey. Defensive assets, on the other hand, generate lower long-term returns and typically give a smoother ride. Examples include term deposits and fixed interest (loans). We mix these growth and defensive assets across different countries to generate more balanced returns.

The fund’s exposure to growth assets falls within a dynamic range of 30-70% and defensive assets make up the rest.

Flexible strategies

We invest into underlying funds with flexible investment strategies. Flexible investment strategies are where the managers have greater freedom to adjust their investments based on their outlook. So, if one of our managers believes certain assets are overpriced, they can adjust their holdings accordingly.

Insurance strategies for market downturns

These are strategies which payoff when markets are down, to act as insurance against downturns. We don’t own a large amount of these as we would miss out on the upside of a good market.

By combining these strategies, we aim to balance capital protection whilst meeting our return objective of the NZ OCR +3% over the medium term.

Access 5 Oceans Fund Documents

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Castle Point Funds

Perpetual Guardian Tower
Level 23, 191 Queen Street
Auckland 1010

PO Box 105889
Auckland 1143, New Zealand

E info@castlepointfunds.com

T +64 9 300 60 60

PG Funds Limited is the issuer and manager of the Castle Point Funds Scheme.

2025 Castle Point Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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