We offer three different funds to invest into:

Our History

Castle Point Funds falls under the umbrella of companies owned by the Perpetual Guardian Group. The Perpetual Guardian Group is New Zealand's largest statutory trust company and leading fiduciary services business; providing the full suite of Investment Management, Trusts, Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Investment Advisory, and Philanthropic services.

Meet the Castle Point Team

Our culture defines us, decision by decision

We strive to live by our values in every decision we make.


Clients For Life


Think long term

One waka

Freedom to excel

Think long term

We build life-long relationships with clients to help them grow their wealth. We do this by making decisions based on the long-term interests of our clients and our company.

He waka eke noa, one waka

We are all in the same waka together, no exception. This includes all our stakeholders and our community.

Freedom to excel

We trust each other and allow people the freedom to excel.

Stay updated with Castle Point Funds.




Castle Point Funds

Perpetual Guardian Tower
Level 23, 191 Queen Street
Auckland 1010

PO Box 105889
Auckland 1143, New Zealand

E info@castlepointfunds.com

T +64 9 300 60 60

PG Funds Limited is the issuer and manager of the Castle Point Funds Scheme.

2025 Castle Point Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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