Investment Solutions

We have three different PIE funds to invest into, each with their own unique investment strategy

What are Funds?

A fund contains a portfolio of investments. You can invest by buying units of the fund. When you invest in a fund, the investments are all pooled together as one large portfolio. This means everyone in the fund is treated the same - everyone has the same strategy and the same portfolio.

What are PIEs?

A portfolio investment entity (PIE) is a type of fund that has its own tax rules. You pay tax on any investment income based on your prescribed investor rate (PIR), instead of your personal income tax rate. A PIE that invests in New Zealand shares and certain Australian shares won’t be taxed on any capital gains (or losses) from those investments.

Other options

We also offer tailored investment mandates managed specifically for large clients. If this is what you are looking for, please get in touch >

Castle Point5 Oceans Fund

Risk Indicator

4Risk scale
Lower Risk
Higher Risk

Return Target

NZ Official Cash Rate + 3%

Recommended Investment Horizon

Minimum 3 years

Minimum Initial Investment


Minimum Additional Investment



0.42c per month per unit

Buy/Sell Spread

0.32% / 0.32% of each investment / redemption

Management Fee

1.05% per annum

Performance Fee

Some underlying funds may charge performance-based fees

Castle PointRanger Fund

Risk Indicator

5Risk scale
Lower Risk
Higher Risk

Return Target

NZ Official Cash Rate + 5%

Recommended Investment Horizon

Minimum 5 years

Minimum Initial Investment


Minimum Additional Investment




Buy/Sell Spread

0.15% / 0.15% of each investment / redemption

Management Fee

1.05% per annum

Performance Fee

15% of any return above NZ Official Cash Rate + 5% per annum (after all fees but before tax) with a perpetual high water mark

Castle PointTrans-Tasman Fund

Risk Indicator

5Risk scale
Lower Risk
Higher Risk

Return Target

S&P/NZX 50 Index

Recommended Investment Horizon

Minimum 5 years

Minimum Initial Investment


Minimum Additional Investment



Variable paid quarterly

Buy/Sell Spread

0.30% of each investment / redemption

Management Fee

1.05% per annum

Performance Fee


What safeguards are in place?

  • An independent custodian holds the assets in the Fund.
  • An independent supervisor actively monitors us as the guardian of investors’ best interests.

Castle Point Funds Management Limited is the fund manager - we decide where to invest the funds. However, the funds are held by an independent custodian, Apex Investment Administration (NZ) Ltd. This means that if Castle Point was to cease to exist, the assets in the Funds would be protected.

Additionally, the Funds use government-owned Public Trust as an independent supervisor who ensures that we do what we say we will.

Additional governance and controls

  • Castle Point is licensed by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
  • Investments are priced daily by Apex Investment Administration (NZ) Ltd, an independent party.
  • All Funds are independently audited by PwC New Zealand.
  • Our Investment Committee and Compliance and Assurance Committee provide an additional layer of oversight on the Funds.

“It's important to only deal with licensed people and businesses because if things go wrong you will have access to free dispute resolution services.” Financial Markets Authority

Stay updated with Castle Point Funds.




Castle Point Funds

Perpetual Guardian Tower
Level 23, 191 Queen Street
Auckland 1010

PO Box 105889
Auckland 1143, New Zealand


T +64 9 300 60 60

2025 Castle Point Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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